Participate today in our comprehensive assessment of sustainability practices in the advertising industry
For the second year, ACT responsible teams up with Nielsen to conduct this survey aiming to highlight how advertising agencies embrace sustainability. The study takes the form of a simple online questionnaire which will not take you more than a few minutes to complete.
The aim of this survey is to highlight how advertising agencies embrace sustainability (alternative names may include CSR, Corporate Responsibility, Purpose, Responsibility, ESG Strategies…). Sustainability stategies enables organisation to indentify and organise key environemental and social issues and priooritise strategic focus on issues that matter the most. The information collected in this survey will be used to create a benchmark for sustainability practices, serving as a springboard for further progress in this area.
This survey is targeted towards advertising agency staff. It’s only with a large participation that we’ll have a representative understanding which will be invaluable to the entire advertising community. We are grateful for your participation. Your contribution to the collaborative effort highlights your leadership as drivers of change.
Your voice is essential! All individual responses and personal information will remain strictly confidential. Any responses will not be associated to any agency/agency networks and results will be published in aggregated format only.
Estimated time to complete the survey: 10 minutes
The survey is divided into 2 sections:
– Section 1: About your agency and its sustainability strategies
– Section 2: How your agency works towards promoting sustainability
We are grateful for your time, transparency and cooperation. Thank you!
This research is carried out by ACT Responsible and is powered by Nielsen.