The Last Photo for CALM & ITV

Epica Responsibillity Grand Prix goes to Hope&Glory for The Last Photo, for CALM & ITV.

For the sixth consecutive year, The Epica Awards and ACT Responsible partnered for the Responsibility Grand Prix. In 2023, the Epica Awards jury, chaired by Dagmara Szulce, Global Executive Director at IAA Global, chose the winning non-profit campaign, emphasising the originality of the idea and its impact on society and beneficiaries. The coveted 2023 Responsibility Grand Prix was awarded to the media campaign “The Last Photo” created by Hope&Glory PR for CALM & ITV.

« The Last Photo conveys an unexpected and moving perspective on the taboo subject of suicide. « It’s a campaign we are incredibly proud of and share the plaudits with all of the incredible people at adam&eveDDB, The7stars and, of course, CALM », said Don Ferguson, Deputy Managing Director at Hope&Glory.

« The campaign illustrates perfectly the role of advertising creativity when it comes to raising awareness on a large scale. Congrats to the winners and thank you to the Epica Jury for choosing it for choosing such a powerful campaign for the 23 Responsibility Grand Prix », shared Isa Kurata, co-founder of ACT Responsible.

Epica Awards editorial director’s Mark Tungate commented: « We’re proud to be able to partner with ACT Responsible to recognize the work agencies do in this field. Purpose-driven advertising and messages focused on social issues have taken on an even greater importance in this era of staggering challenges. »

Watch the campaign.

The 2023 Epica Awards Grand Prix.

RESPONSIBILITYThe Last Photo by Hope&Glory, UK (PR) for CALM & ITV

PRThe Break Room by McCann New York, USA for Chick-Fil-A

DIGITALWhere to settle by McCann Poland for Mastercard 

DESIGNADLAM: An Alphabet to Preserve a Culture by McCann New York, USA for Microsoft

INNOVATIONThe Mammoth Meatball by VML, Netherlands for Vow

FILMA Train of Memories by SIX Inc, Japan for Sotetsu Holdings


NETWORK OF THE YEAR – McCann Worldgroup

Since 1987, the Epica Awards have relied on expert journalists dedicated to their fields for exclusive judging, offering significant PR exposure and upholding a commitment to objectivity. The unique jury covers the art of communications or specialist domains like design production and tech.
